We study immunity in the epithelial tissues that line our body to understand how environmental stimuli collaborate with genetic factors to influence health and drive disease at these interfaces. Our work centers on four major areas of research:

Host-microbe interactions

Immune-tissue crosstalk

Inflammatory memory

Translational research
Featured Publication

Metabolic coordination between skin epithelium and type 17 immunity sustains chronic skin inflammation
Inflammatory epithelial diseases are spurred by the concomitant dysregulation of immune and epithelial cells. How these two dysregulated cellular compartments simultaneously sustain their heightened metabolic demands is unclear. [...]
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November 22, 2024
Presentations at the Precision Immunology Institute Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (PrIISM) Retreat

May 20, 2024
Dr. Shruti Naik honored with prestigious LEO Foundation Award

May 7, 2024
Trisha awarded the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund
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